Love Sheet Masks? Take Your #Sheetfaced Game to the Next Level With Leaders

Love Sheet Masks? Take Your #Sheetfaced Game to the Next Level With Leaders

Sheryll Donerson
Sheryll D.

Nov 11, 2018

When a group of Seoul National University dermatologists decide to get together to create a Korean beauty brand that focuses on one thing and one thing only — namely sheet masks — you need to get on those sheet masks stat.


Quick — what are the first words you think of when I say the words “Sheet mask”?


Self care? Relaxation? Bouncy skin? Hydration?


Well, the first word that comes to my mind is LEADERS.


Sheet masks and Leaders go hand-in-hand like Jack and Jill or peanut butter and jelly. While most K-beauty brands have a wide range of products, Leaders is unique in that it mostly focuses on sheet masks, and sheet masks only. And damn, they are GOOD at sheet masks.




Leaders was founded over 10 years ago by a prestigious group of dermatologists from what is basically the Harvard of Korea, Seoul National University. The brand began in 2001 as a high-end medical spa and clinic, but patients desperately wanted to buy at-home treatments to help keep that spa glow all year-round. And then BOOM, in 2004, Leaders (as we know it) was launched. Leaders was one of the first brands in Korea that was designed and endorsed specifically by dermatologists. BIG MOOD. Today, there are nine Leaders medical spas around the world that offer a wide range of treatments like fillers, chemical peels, and laser treatments. (Side note: Oh, the things I’d do to be able to go to a Leaders clinic .. SWOOON.)


But they don’t just have clinics. In 2009, the brand opened their Skin Science Research and Development Center in Ansong, Korea. This has allowed the brand to conduct rigorous testing and product manufacturing in state-of-the-art facilities … no shady back alley masks over here, folks!



Leaders’ logo features four red squares, and each of those red squares represents the brand’s commitment to their consumers. First is reliability (and reliable they are), second is expertise (they’ve made a number of patents and done extensive research on sheet mask ingredients and materials), third is reasonable (Leaders has really good prices on their sheet masks, especially given that they are created by dermatologists), and fourth is globalization, which is evident by the fact they are probably the number one sheet mask brand in the world right now.


There aren’t a lot of things that I’ll buy blindly without first looking at one million reviews on YouTube, Reddit, and Instagram, but show me any type of Leaders mask and there’s a 10/10 chance I’m buying it immediately. If there is anything I know, it’s that you pretty much can’t go wrong with a Leaders mask. There’s literally one for every single type of skin type, concern, and preference. Oily, acne-prone skin? Anti-aging? Dullness? Dry skin? Redness? Sun damage? Sensitive skin? Hyperpigmentation? Blackheads and pore trouble? Do you like hydrogels or cotton? YOU CAN HAVE THEM ALL. No lie, Leaders is like the Oprah of sheet masks: YOU GET A MASK, YOU GET A MASK, YOU GET A MASK!



My sheet mask stash is … a lot. I’m not even going to tell you how many I have because you’d think I was insane, but I’d venture to say that at least a third of my masks are from Leaders. You just can’t go wrong with any of them.


Some of my favorite Leaders masks


All of the ones in the Amino line, including the tea tree, moisture, and AC-free masks. Each of the masks in the Amino line contain about 17 different types of amino acids to help hydrate and nourish the skin. Whenever my skin is being a butt during that time of the month, I use the AC-Free mask (for acne care), and my skin is definitely less inflamed and red in the morning.




The Insolution Nourishing Vaseline mask is one of the greatest inventions ever made. I’m not sure if they make it anymore, but if you EVER find a place that sells them, please do yourself a favor and buy all of them. No lie, I’ve been hoarding my remaining ones that I bought at duty free like two years ago. (Thank god they don’t expire until 2020.) You want an ultra-nourishing, skin glowing, mega-hydrating sheet mask experience? These are IT, OK.





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The EX Solution masks are your ideal, everyday masks. There’s a flavor for every situation — Bright Toning, Lifting, AC (acne care), Hydration. The hydrating Aqua Coating mask is lovely. It’s for dry, irritated, sad skin, so I like to use it after my hard workouts when my skin has taken a beating from sweating my life away or whenever I’m sitting in the bathtub relaxing and want an extra hydrating boost. I put it in the fridge and let it get a li’l chilly before I wear it, and it’s a vv big mood.




Have you ever tried a Leaders mask? Which one is your favorite?



Sheryll Donerson got her start as a beauty writer by writing K-beauty reviews for her blog, The Wanderlust Project. These days, she's lifting heavy weights, eating tacos, drinking (too much) coffee and is 1/4 of the beauty podcast, Beauty Beyond Basics (or Triple Bees for short). You can find her on Instagram and Twitter at @sheryllrenata.

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