6 Korean Models Share Their Top Skincare Secrets Learned from Their Mothers

6 Korean Models Share Their Top Skincare Secrets Learned from Their Mothers

Ella Parsons
Ella P.

Dec 25, 2019

Because even models can get (the occasional) blemish.


As the popular saying goes, “Mother knows best,” and that definitely rings true with these on-the-rise Korean models who have the best complexions we’ve seen in a long time.


We all know models have crazy schedules and photo shoots that demand a lot of makeup. To shoot high quality shots requires heavier makeup that translates well on camera. Add to that the constant touch-ups throughout the shoot, with more and more makeup being layered on, and it’s no wonder models need a solid skincare routine to maintain healthy, glowing skin. And these six Korean models, with the help of their mother’s advice, are getting it just right.


So what beauty secrets have these Korean models learned from their mothers? Let’s find out.


Moon Kyu Lee


korean models
Instagram @mooncube


Moon Kyu Lee’s mother steers away from using too many products, applying only a hydrating cream and sun protection before stepping out of the house. So it makes sense that she advised her model daughter to only use a few products.


Lee also relies on Korean beauty expert Director Pi, who has a very popular YouTube channel, as another great source of information. Director Pi focuses on analyzing the composition of cosmetics and helps Lee discover “friendly” products for her skin.


Lee explains, “I had to throw away some of my favorite products after discovering their strong chemical compositions. Now, I prefer natural ingredients and use a range of organic products from Sanoflore.”



Songwha Oh



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From a young age, Songwha Oh’s mother told her to “wash your face as soon as you come home. You have to keep your skin good while you’re young.” Following her advice, Oh cleanses and moisturizes to prevent dryness. She swears by Aesop’s products, which she says work with her skin type.



Hoyeon Jung



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Makeup is great for covering up the odd blemish or spot. However, Hoyeon Jung’s mother believes that concentrating on your skin first should be your number one priority, and we think she’s right. Armed with this advice, the model cleanses when she wears makeup, but when she doesn’t she just sticks to water and basic moisturizing. And if her skin feels irritated, she’ll choose an aloe mask pack to calm it down.






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When it comes to cleanser, go easy! Ez’s mother believes that cleansing your face too much can make your face too dry, and water is more than enough for your morning routine. Simply cleanse before you go to sleep to remove makeup and dirt. Find a cleanser that works for your skin type and use it sparingly.



Gui Eh Park



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Speaking of finding products that suit your skin, Gui Eh Park’s mother is a big fan of finding that one cream that is perfect for you. Another top tip is to avoid touching your face after applying the product, which, along with her strict regimen, keeps spots at bay. Simply cleanse, tone, and moisturize, using the same amount of each product before you go to sleep. In the morning, simply use water to wash any excess cream off. This process reduces skin stimulation, which dramatically reduces spots.



Jinkyung Kim



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Jinkyung Kim’s mother believes that “if you want to have baby skin, you have to use baby-proof products!” Since she’s started modelling, Kim has noticed that her skin is a lot more sensitive and weak, probably due to the amount of makeup applied daily and the long hours. Therefore, she follows her mother’s advice when her skin starts to show signs of stress and is committed to using pure, natural products. High on her list is cleansing (she opts for a cleansing milk or gel), and she always uses her fingertips to massage her face in circular motions on her chin, cheeks, and around the eyes.


What beauty tips has your mother passed on to you? Let us know in the comments!



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