Dungeons and Dragons Star Chloe Coleman on Her Favorite Curly Hair Products and What it’s Like to Work with Jennifer Lopez
She also shares her go-to picks for breakouts and the hair brush she “can’t live without.”
Actress Chloe Coleman is conquering Hollywood. The 14-year-old star of Paramount’s Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves also stars in box office behemoth Avatar: The Way of Water and 65 alongside Adam Driver.
Coleman certainly has the pedigree – her career began at the age of five when she was cast in Glee. She followed that up with a memorable role in the hit series Big Little Lies and then landed the lead in My Spy with Dave Bautista. If that’s not enough, Coleman also shared the screen alongside Jennifer Lopez and Owen Wilson in Marry Me.

Photography: David Higgs @Higgsy_Photography | Stylist: Enrique Melendez @MrEnriqueMenlendez | Hair: Michael David Warren @MD.Warren | Makeup: Allen Avendano @Allanface
Imagine what this dynamo’s next few years will look like!?
This lovely, poised and talented actress (who is also one of The Hollywood Reporter’s Top 30 Stars Under Age 18) sat down with Beautytap to share her favorite skin and haircare products and the legendary star she’s always dreamed of working with.
Beautytap: Congratulations on the recent announcement that you will be filming a My Spy sequel. I'm sure the fans are super excited. Is this why you are on location right now?
Chloe Coleman: It is! I'm currently working on My Spy 2 with Dave Bautista and it really feels just like coming home. I'm absolutely thrilled to be working with Dave because the first movie was such a blast and I'm back with Pete Segal again. He's directing the second film and this entire team is like a huge family to me and we all love each other so much. We're in South Africa right now. It's really beautiful; I enjoy it out here a lot.
B: That's a long trip to South Africa. Did you bring anything on the flight for your skin or to use while on location? And did you discover any new products overseas?
CC: I brought some stuff with me from home and they are my regular "use these all the time for work and set" products. When I was traveling abroad in Ireland filming Dungeons & Dragons I discovered this really great brand called ESPA. I used their Skin Rescue Balm for my eyes morning and night. It's super refreshing. They have it here in Africa too, so I bought it.
My facialist Carin McGrath also found two product lines that my skin really loves. The Control Corrective Line is a big help for breakouts and then the other one that is pretty popular is Dr. Dennis Gross. I use their B3 Adaptive SuperFoods Stress Rescue Super Serum and the B3 Adaptive SuperFoods Stress Repair Face Cream. My skin is sensitive so they’re really great for getting off the plane and when I'm working. I also use Mario Badescu Skin Care Facial Spray with aloe, herbs and rosewater just to refresh. It's great to have "in the pocket.”

Chloe Coleman in “Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves.”
B: Do you tend to wear a lot of makeup off camera?
CC: It actually depends. Since my skin is pretty sensitive, sometimes it’s best to let it breathe especially when I'm working. I like to take my makeup off every day after work and just give my skin the most air possible. But outside of work yes, I'll sometimes wear makeup to school or when I'm going out for fun. I love it. Just a little bit, not too much.
B: Speaking of skin care, you worked in the past with Jennifer Lopez who has one of the biggest cosmetic lines, JLO Beauty. Did you get to sit in the same make up chair when you worked with her as Owen Wilson's daughter, Lou in the film, Marry Me? And did you get to use any of her products?
CC: Jennifer's makeup line is really impressive and so is her skincare line, but no, she was in a separate trailer. But I always noticed when we shot Marry Me, and of course she has some really glamorous looks, that her skin is absolutely flawless, and her makeup is always really lovely. She’s just so beautiful and such a graceful person.

Photography: David Higgs @Higgsy_Photography | Stylist: Enrique Melendez @MrEnriqueMenlendez | Hair: Michael David Warren @MD.Warren | Makeup: Allen Avendano @Allanface
B: I'm just so impressed with all the amazing actors that you've already been able to work with at such a young age, and now you can add Chris Evans and Emily Blunt to that list from the new Netflix series Pain Hustlers coming out later this year. It wasn't that long ago when you were only 11 years old, and The Hollywood Reporter named you one of Hollywood's Top 30 Stars Nnder 18. I think it's safe to say you are officially a part of the next generation of great Hollywood actors working today. How does that feel to be a part of that wave?
CC: I'm very proud to be one of those incredible actors and actresses on that list. I remember when that article came out and feeling super happy and just very proud to be part of it. Many of us young actors who all live in LA together know each other or know of each other.
B: I think one thing I find so interesting about your career is that you often work primarily with adults. That's a big compliment because it means that they trust that you can take on those roles and work opposite these people. What is it like to be working as a young actor with these really respected adult actors and has it helped you mature faster because of the experience of getting to work so closely with them?
CC: Thank you. I think so. Especially when I'm around adults because a lot of the time there are so many mentors. I feel like I'm always learning and surrounded by such great people when I'm working, especially adults. I've met so many respectful people who are just so nice.
When I shot the movie, 65 that was such a life changing experience to work with Adam Driver because watching him act was so educational for me and I felt like I had growth as an actor getting to work with him. He's also just such a nice guy and so talented. I always admire his work and he's so impressive to me just how hard he works and how great he is with taking on all of his characters. He completely transforms himself and that's something I really aspire to do as I grow up and continue in this career. I aspire to be like the people I work with.

Source: Chloe Coleman's Instagram @ chloecolemanact
B: And you've worked with some amazing directors too like James Cameron. Have you ever considered directing or taking on any other roles?
CC: I would love to step behind the camera at some point in the future. I think that would be amazing. Speaking of great directors, during the filming of 65 I had the opportunity to help write the dialogue. The directors Scott Beck and Bryan Woods were very supportive of that which was a great exercise for me and something that really helped me delve into creating and writing which I also enjoy personally. They told me I have a great talent for writing and to keep doing it. So that's something I definitely want to also take on.
I've always enjoyed writing and creating. I can see entire stories in my head and even entire series just play out. So, for sure, some day I really hope to dive into that and create my own stories to share with the world.
B: Working with James Cameron on Avatar: The Way of Water you got to totally transform yourself because it was animated. I think you have some of the most interesting hair in real life, but your animated character’s hair was pretty unique too. Did you find that the animated hairstyle for Young Lo'ak was something you might want to try in real life?
CC: Thank you. My character Young Lo'ak actually has braids, and at the time I never had them before. It wasn't until later, in 2022 that I started braiding my hair. I've tried corn rows and braids with extensions.
For the summer it's just great to tie them, especially if you have curly hair - it makes it so easy to take care of and there's much less work to put into it. Even now I love to apply these looks to my work and bring these hair styles to roles and future projects. Filming Avatar itself was something really crazy.

Chloe in braids | Source @chloecolemanact
B: Yes, for the Avatar Cast and Crew Screening I saw that you posted on Instagram one of your red carpet arrival shots. You had a cute little bun.
CC: I actually did that look entirely by myself. As I've grown, I've also taken care of my hair more by myself and use products that I like. I like messing with the versatility of curly hair and trying different things. That bun was actually really fun because I thought it went well with the outfit. It was just comfortable and cute, and I really liked it.
B: It was super adorable. I'd love to know some of your go-to products that you love using for your beautiful curly hair?
CC: Thank you. What I really like is Authentic Beauty Concept's Hydrate Cleanser for dry hair and I've been using that for a really long time - it's great for my scalp and it’s also very hydrating. Then for all of eternity I've been using ENJOY Luxury Hair Mask as a deep conditioner ever since I was super little, but I usually dilute it with water and sometimes I use it as a detangler. I'll just put it in a spray bottle. I do avoid hot irons as much as possible and usually I just let my curls air dry. I don't use a lot of heat on my hair and usually curly hair dries super quickly so that's never really a problem.
Then to seal it so it doesn't get super frizzy, unless I’m going for that look, I'll use some gel called Camille Rose Curl Maker which has this yummy marshmallow texture - it's super puffy and always great. It's super light on my hair and never feels sticky. My favorite brush is Sheila Stotts Untangle Brush. I've also used that all my life. I literally can't live without it. It gives my curls such great definition; I love it.

Chloe's favorite hair products for curly hair (left to right) Authentic Beauty Concept's Hydrate Cleanser, ENJOY Luxury Mask, Sheila Stotts Untangle Brush and Camille Rose Curl Maker
B: If a role required it do you think that you would ever be willing to drastically cut that gorgeous hair?
CC: Oh, my goodness. For me, the character really dictates everything and I have dreamed of shaving my head or cutting it really short. One day I'll just have to do it and shave my head and see what happens. People tell me, "You need to do it once in your life," but it's so versatile right now which I've really been enjoying and I've been playing with braids a lot this year, but I'm very open to completely changing my look depending on the character. Hair can be such a big part of the role.
B: With Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves you have a whole new style and look. Can you share your take on the look with Beautytap?
CC: Yes! I love that question. I think to sum up the Dungeons & Dragons look it would be a mix of super mystical, a little touch of elegance, very fierce, and probably 'old world’ fashion. The costumes from the film are just incredible! I think the people will love the elaborate and stunning wardrobe - something you would see fresh out of a D&D game. This movie will spark some wild Halloween costume ideas.

In "Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves," Chloe Coleman, Sophia Lillis, Chris Pine, Michelle Rodriguez, and Justice Smith all go on exciting adventures (Paramount Pictures via The Associated Press)
B: Well Chloe, at just 14-years-old you can now say that you have already worked on one of the highest grossing films of all time, Avatar: The Way of Water and you are starring in one of the most anticipated film releases, Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves. Do you feel you have already achieved your goals? Have you had your dream role already?
CC: As far as goals, I feel so incredibly blessed because of my journey so far and it's just been one dream role after another. I just could not ask for more of an experience. To me, each role is everything during the time I'm doing it. I like to just follow the characters and let them dictate where I'll be going, what I'll be doing and just connect with my role.
As for a dream role, I just watched The Sound of Music again. It is my favorite movie of all time. I love Julie Andrews and one day I would love to work with her. If I ever worked with Julie Andrews I would start crying. That would feel like a dream. That would be amazing.
B: I hope your dream to work with Julie Andrews comes true one day and knowing you, it will! Hmmmm… Princess Diaries 5 maybe?
CC: Yes!
You can follow Chloe Coleman on Instagram @chloelcolemanact and see her in theaters in Sony's Sci-Fi thriller 65, Paramount Pictures Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves and later in the year in the Netflix series Pain Hustlers.