Slay Your Vacation Beauty Look in 3 Simple Steps

Slay Your Vacation Beauty Look in 3 Simple Steps

Coco Park
Coco P.

Jun 12, 2017

Vacations are the time to let go, be free, and experiment with a new look. Make your vacation easy (and memorable) with a signature vacation beauty look that's more tropical goddess than traffic grunt.



If you have a big vacation planned, you know that everything is planned down to the minute. You're going to make every second count, and all your time is accounted for and assigned a mission.


So why not assign yourself a signature look to capture the essence of your trip? Something that deviates from your norm that you can look back on and associate with that time you ran off to an island and really lived. I've been daydreaming about white sand beaches, gauzy maxi dresses, complicated rum-based cocktails, and glowing in the moonlight. We already know a vacation tan is a no-no, but a sun-kissed makeup look is not only acceptable, it's a major yes, and we're doing it, damn it.


Your vacation beauty look? Get it in three simple steps.


1. All bronzed up

Since we're not about sun damage, we're going to fake and bake, sort of. Since Korean beauty standards are almost totally aghast at the idea of an on-purpose tanned look, there is a woeful lack of bronzers out there. Hera has their Face Designing Bronzer, but really that's more of a broad contouring powder than a true bronzer. It could look muddy on most complexions, and it's not very pigmented, so unless you're incredibly fair, I'd say look to western beauty in this instance. Hourglass Ambient Lighting Bronzer is pricey, but one of my very favorite options. It comes in four shades and it looks fantastic swept on. I sweep it  on my forehead and up into my hairline, on my cheeks, and on the neck.


When sweeping onto the cheeks, stick to the back near the ears and don't brush it onto the apples. Why? Because we're going to sweep a coral blush onto the apples for dimension and brightness. Tony Moly Spoiler Mini Cushion Blusher in 03 Peach is an insanely gorgeous peachy orange shade that screams, "Mai Tai on the beach!" Combined with the bronzer, you get a look that says, "Who me? Oh, I just got back from a seaside yoga class where I reached nirvana #Blessed."


vacation beauty look


2. Get glowing

Now that your flushed, blushed, and bronzy, let's get glowing. Too Cool For School Dinoplatz Pearl Bay Invasion Highlighter in Baby Pink Clam: Have you two met? No? Well, say hello to your sexy new friend. Pearl Bay Invasion Highlighter is an easy to use liquid highlighter that comes in a sturdy pump packaging. The color is a beautiful pinky-bronze, and it's formulated with olive and avocado oils. Use this one on the bridge of your nose, Cupid's bow, cheek bones, and on your eyelids.


(I'm calling it now, the wet eyelid look is going to be huge in the coming years. I've seen it creeping back in editorials, and more and more products are being released to give this look. It's also going to be part of your signature vacay look.)


If this color doesn't work for your eyelids, Too Cool For School Eyeshadow On Flat Iron liquid eyeshadow in a mixture of peach gold and bronze will make for a more dramatic yet effortless looking eye. 3CE Pot Eyes Shadow Coral Time is yet another option that will give a slightly different look but still keep with the shimmery tropical theme.


3. So Coralicious 

Now, this is the thing that's going to define your look. This will be a lipstick that you won't ever be able to wear again without getting a phantom taste of salty air and being flooded with memories: a bold coral lip. Because you're on vacation and keeping up with lipstick is work, we're going to go with only the most tenacious of options, because screw work. This lip color has to not only be long-lasting, it has to be worthy of immortalization.


Clio's Virgin Kiss Lipnicure in #6 Rumor Coral is just the ticket. It's bold, it's beautiful, and damn it, that stuff ain't comin' off unless you're ready for it to come off. Take a dip in the ocean, play some beach volleyball, hell, strap on a parachute and parasail — that stuff is not coming off your lips, and when you see how it looks you won't want it to.


So book your tickets, pack your bags, and don't forget to stuff me in your carryon because we're going on vacation, and we're going to look fabulous doing it.


Do you like to experiment with your makeup look when you're on vacation? If so, let us know how!

Coco Park is an author, beauty journalist, blogger, podcast host, and all around oddball living in Montreal Quebec with her family. Originally from the southern USA, she worked for several years in the makeup industry as a professional makeup artist and holds a certificate in esthetics. She is a proud member of the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma. Want to know more? Check her out on the Beauty Beyond Basics podcast, on her blog, on Instagram @thebeautywolf, and in her book "Korean Beauty Secrets: A Practical Guide to Cutting-Edge Skincare & Makeup."

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